Saturday, April 25, 2009


I tried to get into God's America yesterday at the Calais/St.Stephen border and was denied entry and harassed because I'm a self-employed artist living under the poverty line. The few promotional CD's and gallery submission envelopes that I had on me were the cause of suspicion and after repeatedly explaining that I was just going to see some concerts, drop by a couple galleries and music shops, photograph their beautiful country and then quietly be on my way I was told to go back to Canada and dispose of these items and 2 of my 4 cameras before trying again.

They scoffed at my income, lifestyle and art-school education. When I told them I was only trying to make a living as an artist they responded with, "You can't do that here." Upon leaving they left me with, "Come back when you have some steady employment."

America, I'm disappointed.
Here's the photo that started this whole project and a fitting image to go with how I feel about the USA right now.

Jesus and I are hitting the road, travelling from New Brunswick to California to the UK to Western Canada to Amsterdam and back. We're planning on seeing some of his favourite sites; Ground Zero, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building site, Hyde Park, Columbine High School and many, many more....

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